Promoting your book

The hard work is done, the e-book “How to Find the One” is finished! But my book is not up for sale in Waterstone’s or Barnes and Noble and in some flashy mall or high street store. Who is going to tell the world about my book? Who is going to tell ladies from 28 to 42, that are single and looking for love that my book could help them. Especially if they are busy. Who is going to alert them, that this book maybe their faithful companion? It contains all the nuggets of advice that I used to solve my love life woes and land a great husband!

That job is mine. Promotion and marketing of your own published works is a job in itself. I have to tweet regularly, but not so much that I bore people about my stuff. I have to approach other networks of single women. I am thinking of newspapers and radios now. I wish I could outsource all my promotion to a fairy godmother of marketing, as I also have a big fat novel to re-draft!

Marketing when you are a novice can be a tough task! But it is a necessary task so people discover and stumble on your work especially if it could help them! I am still at it as I am also having to juggle this task with many others. I think I sent out a tweet after a few weeks….shocking! I am hoping I get the word out about my book!